Registering for Live Events
Attending Live Events like Pokémon GO Fest and Pokémon GO Safari Zone allow Trainers to enjoy special content and social experiences with fe...
Live Event Registration FAQ
What payment methods can I use to purchase event tickets?We accept major credit and debit cards as well as Google and Apple Pay.My event tic...
What are Community Days?
Community Day is a special event, featuring a specific Pokémon that appears at a higher rate than other Pokémon during a specific time ...
What is a Raid Hour?
Raid Hour is an hour-long global event during which one particular Pokémon or a group of Pokémon appears more frequently in Raids. Raid Hour...
What is Spotlight Hour?
Spotlight Hour is a weekly event in Pokémon GO that highlights a specific Pokémon for a one-hour period. During this hour, the featured Poké...
Purchasing Tickets to Pokémon GO Events
Attending Live Events like Pokémon GO Fest and Pokémon GO Safari Zone allow Trainers to enjoy special content and social experiences with fe...
What is Max Monday?
Max Monday is a weekly event, similar to Spotlight Hour or Raid Hour, where a different featured Dynamax Pokémon will take over all Max...
What is the Adventure Pass?
The Adventure Pass is a reward system that runs for a set duration of time. Complete various gameplay activities to earn points a...
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