Battling & GO Battle League
GO Battle League
GO Battle League is a global matching system that lets you battle with other Trainers around the world, earn rewards, and improve your glob...
Type Effectiveness in Battle
Understanding Pokémon types and attack types is an essential part of becoming a skilled Pokémon Trainer. Pokémon have d...
What are Combat Power (CP) and Hit Points (HP)?
Each Pokémon has Combat Power (CP) and Hit Points (HP). All Pokémon start out with full HP at capture, but HP can be depleted during battle....
What is a Premium Battle Pass?
Premium Battle Passes are items that can be exchanged for entry into a Raid Battle or to unlock Premium Rewards in GO Battle League. Premium...
Fast Attacks & Charged Attacks
By default, all Pokémon have two attacking moves: a Fast Attack and a Charged Attack. Fast Attacks deal a small amount of damage, whi...
[Video] The Basics of Trainer Battles
Want to know how to get ready for a Trainer Battle? Spark, Candela, and Blanche are here to guide you through some Trainer Battle basi...
I'm not seeing Trainer Battle invites or the Battle icon on the Friend screen.
If you are not receiving Trainer Battle invites or you cannot see a battle icon on your friend’s profile, check the following settings...
Battling Other Trainers
Pokémon GO allows you to battle other Trainers with parties of three Pokémon. Knock out all your opponent's Pokémon or deal more damage befo...
Report an Issue with a Raid Pass or Premium Battle Pass
Issue with a Raid Pass or Premium Battle Pass To join a Raid Battle, you’ll need a Raid Pass or Premium Battle Pass. You can collect up to o...
Creating Battle Parties
Battle parties are groups of three or six Pokémon you can quickly select for Gym, Raid, or Trainer Battles.To create a battle party with an ...
Battle Training with Team Leaders
Battle Training allows you to practice Trainer Battles. In training, you’ll battle against a Team Leader (Blanche, Candela, or Spark) instea...
Reviving Fainted Pokémon & Restoring HP
Potions heal Pokémon, restoring HP lost during battle. Potions come in various strengths and restore different amounts of HP. However, if a ...
The GO Battle League Leaderboard
The GO Battle League Leaderboard is a page on the Pokémon GO website that displays the top 500 Trainers in the world by their GO B...
Troubleshooting GO Battle League
If you are experiencing issues with GO Battle League, please first check if your issue is listed on our Known Issues page or contact us via ...
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