Search results for "known issues"
Battling at Gyms
Gyms & Raids
Gym overview Gyms are locations found throughout the world where you can battle the Pokémon of rival teams. Trainers from opposing ...
Sharing Game Logs
Top Articles
If you encounter an issue with a raid or GO Battle League, you can share data from your gameplay by using Game Logging. This allows you to s...
Max Move repeats on the Trainer’s second turn.
Release Notes & Known Issues
Issue description: When battling a Max Pokémon, Trainers are able to choose a Max Move to use on their turn. The second time they are offere...
My progress was reset to level 1
Account & Sign-In
Some Trainers might experience an issue where it appears that gameplay progress has been reset. Please be assured that your gameplay progre...
I received the “Unable to authenticate” or “Failed to log in” message
Account & Sign-In
You may receive “failed to log in” or “unable to authenticate” error messages if our servers are experiencing a temporary issue or your netw...
Raids not Advancing Timed Research Tasks
Release Notes & Known Issues
Issue Description: Completing Raids is not advancing Raid-related Timed Research tasks for some Trainers.Status: Resolved, additional i...
Supported Devices
iOSiPhone 6s or aboveCertain Bluetooth accessories, such as the Pokémon GO Plus +, require iPhone 7 or above iOS 15 or aboveStrong internet ...
What are Power Spots and How Can I Find Them?
Max Pokémon & Power Spots
Power Spots are volatile locations that emit Max Particles, and contain Dynamax or Gigantamax Pokémon. Due to the mysterious nature of Max P...
Reporting Inappropriate Behavior in Party Play
Party Play
We encourage all Trainers to abide by the Community Guidelines and Terms of Service whenever playing Pokémon GO, but especially while partic...
Submitting a Ban Appeal
Account & Sign-In
Our goal is to provide our players with a fair, fun, and safe gaming experience. To do this, we maintain policies and guidelines that govern...