You can choose Buddy Pokémon to join you on your adventures. 透過選擇寶可夢作為你的夥伴,你可以與牠們建立關係,並隨著關係的加深而獲得特殊的獎勵。

Interact with your Buddy to earn Affection hearts and improve your Buddy’s Mood, a measure of how happy your Buddy is feeling. By earning Affection hearts, you will increase your Buddy Level, which measures the depth of your relationship with your Buddy Pokémon. By improving your Buddy’s Mood and reaching higher Buddy Levels, you’ll unlock special perks as recognition of the meaningful bond you’ve created with your Buddy.


For the best user experience, make sure AR is turned on in your settings menu. To use AR mode, your device needs to meet the following requirements:

  • iOS: AR mode is only available for iPhone 6s and newer models running on iOS 11+.

  • Android: AR mode is only available to devices running Android 7.0+ and can support ARCore. Supported devices must install ARCore from the Google Play Store. A list of supported devices can be found here.


To select a Pokémon as your buddy for the first time, tap your Trainer’s portrait in the bottom left corner of the Map View, then tap the Buddy button to select your buddy. 
一旦選好你的夥伴寶可夢後,就可以在地圖畫面上點擊訓練家頭像旁邊的夥伴頭像,以進入你的夥伴的檔案。 你也可以透過點擊訓練家頭像後,然後再點擊你的夥伴,也同樣可以進入夥伴的檔案畫面。 點擊歷代夥伴按鈕,可以查看以前曾經設定為夥伴的寶可夢。
To swap out your buddy, go to their Buddy Profile screen and tap the Swap Buddies button. 你也可以從歷代夥伴的頁面上,點擊替換夥伴的按鈕,以選擇要替換的夥伴寶可夢。
Note: Trainers can only swap out their Buddy Pokémon 20 times per day.


參與活動可以暫時讓你的夥伴寶可夢心情變好,並獲取心心獎勵。 在夥伴檔案畫面上,你會在「今天的活動紀錄」下方看到與你的夥伴互動的各種方式的列表。 灰色的愛心圖示代表可以在當天從你的夥伴獲得心心獎勵的活動。
當你進行列表中的每個活動時,心心將從灰色變為粉紅色,表示你已經獲得了該類別的心心。 當某項活動旁邊的所有心心變成粉紅色時,你將無法再從該活動獲得心心,直到每日的計時器在當地時間午夜重新設定為止。


  • Walk together - Walk around with a Pokémon set as your buddy on the Map. 你的夥伴只有在圓形計量表填滿的時候才會出現在地圖上,並且會一直待在地圖畫面上,直到圓形計量表完全耗盡。
  • Give your buddy a treat - Feed your buddy a Berry or Poffin in AR or Quick Treat mode. 餵食你的夥伴會填滿他們的圓形計量表。 The hunger meter appears at the top of the screen in AR and Quick Treat modes and indicates how much your buddy needs to eat before it appears on the Map with you. 當你的夥伴的圓形計量表被填滿時,你將會收到心心。 If you feed your buddy a Poffin, you will automatically earn the maximum daily number of Affection hearts in this category. Your buddy’s hunger meter depletes over time, so feed them periodically to keep it from depleting!
  • Play together - Tap your buddy in AR mode and pet them with your finger for a few seconds until you see them spin and jump with delight. 
  • Battle together - Engage in a Gym, Raid, Team GO Rocket, or Trainer Battle with your buddy while they're with you on the Map.
  • Take a snapshot - Take a photo of your buddy in AR mode while playing with your buddy alone or with friends. 
  • Visit a new place - While your buddy is on the Map with you, visit a PokéStop or Gym you’ve never visited before and spin its Photo Disc to earn an Affection heart. PokéStops you haven’t previously visited are surrounded by white rings, which disappear after you spin their Photo Discs.
  • 一起跟著「路線」踏上旅程吧——夥伴出現在地圖上時,訓練家可以和牠一起跟著「路線」走。
  • Bonus - You’ll occasionally see an additional activity called Bonus on the Buddy Profile page. 只有在收到此類別的心心獎勵時,此活動才會出現。 當你的夥伴送你禮物或紀念品,或是你拜訪你的夥伴想去的寶可補給站或道館時,你將會獲得心心獎勵。 Presents contain useable items like Berries or Potions, and Souvenirs are collectible items stored on your Buddy Profile screen that serve as reminders of all the places you’ve traveled with your buddy. 


透過與你的夥伴互動,可以使牠們的心情更好。 Your buddy's Mood is determined by how frequently and recently you've interacted with them. 好心情會隨著時間的流逝而降低,因此你需要持續地與你的夥伴保持互動,以保持牠們的好心情。 下面顯示了從最低到最高的所有可能的心情:
Excited, the most positive Mood, increases the number of possible Affection hearts you can earn that day. 當你的夥伴欣喜若狂時,你會在每個活動旁看到雙心形圖示。 當你的夥伴欣喜若狂時,收集糖果所需的步行距離也會减少。
Note: Reaching Excited Mood won’t increase the number of hearts in the Bonus category.
如果你的夥伴不在欣喜若狂的狀態下,則需要繼續與其進行互動,並再次達到欣喜若狂的心情,以便獲得更多當天的心心。 然而,你將不會失去當天已經獲得的任何額外的心心。


Your buddy may occasionally bring you Gifts from nearby PokéStops. 與其他的夥伴特殊獎勵和活動不同,您能從任何夥伴等級的夥伴獲得友情禮物。 When you see a Gift icon above your buddy's profile picture, tap their picture and the Gifts will be added to your inventory.

You won’t receive Gifts from your buddy if you already have 20 or more Gifts in your Bag, and receiving Gifts from your buddy won’t reward Affection hearts.


獲得的心心可以使你逐步提高夥伴等級。 與夥伴的心情不同,夥伴等級不會隨著時間的經過而降低,就像友誼等級一樣。 每個夥伴等級都會獲得特殊的獎勵:


  • Adventure with Buddy - Your buddy will appear on the Map when you’ve fed them enough to fill up their hunger meter. 在地圖畫面上時,你的夥伴將可以在較少步行距離的情況下獲得糖果。
  • Readable Mood - The Mood indicator appears on the Buddy Profile screen, and you can now achieve Excited Mood. If your buddy is on the Map, you can also tap your buddy to see its Mood.


  • Catch Assist - When a Pokémon you’re trying to catch hits a Poké Ball back at you during an Encounter, there’s a chance your buddy will help you out by bouncing the Poké Ball back at the Pokémon.
  • Presents - While exploring with your buddy, your buddy may pick up consumable items like Berries and Potions and deliver them to you as presents. 當你的夥伴找到禮物時,你將會收到通知,並且可以在 AR 模式下與牠們一起互動時打開禮物。 當你打開禮物時,將會獲得在獎勵類別中的心心獎勵。


  • Souvenirs - Your buddy can now gift you Souvenirs. 你的夥伴找到的紀念品類型將會依據環境而有所不同,每個紀念品都將會顯示夥伴找到它的位置。 當你收到紀念品時,將會獲得在獎勵類別中的心心獎勵。
  • Find Locations - Your buddy may draw your attention to a nearby PokéStop they find interesting. If you visit the PokéStop and spin its Photo Disc while there is an indicator above the PokéStop, you will earn bonus items and an Affection heart in the “Bonus” category.


  • CP Boost - While set as your buddy, your Pokémon gains a CP Boost, making it more powerful in Raids, Gym Battles, Team GO Rocket, and Trainer Battles. 如果沒有將寶可夢設定為你的夥伴,則 CP 不會增加。
  • Best Buddy Ribbon - Your buddy now wears a special ribbon indicating you’ve reached Best Buddy status.