Did you know you can teach your Peridot Tricks? Some examples of Tricks are handshake, reverse spin, and booty shake! Tricks unlock at Keeper Level 3.

To view what kind of Tricks you can teach your Dot, tap on the Dot’s Fullness/Attention meter and scroll down. Some Tricks are only unlocked at a higher Keeper Level.


要玩把戲,請點選背包並選擇便當盒。 選擇任意食物,並把食物向上拖曳到畫面中央的圓圈中。 按住它直到圓圈走完,並顯示九個圓圈網格。 Now, drag your finger with the food to the left, right, up, or down over the grid of visible circles to train your Dot on a particular trick. 成功完成手勢後,可以餵食花寶來獎勵牠們,這樣花寶就能學習把戲了!

您可以在花寶詳細資料頁面上查看花寶的訓練進度。 花寶必須完成把戲多次才會熟練!