Hunting Monsters
(This article is English, Japanese, Korean and Traditional Chinese only)*Hunts may not function properly due to unforeseen network connectio...
Recover Health by using recovery items. For details, please see "How to restore hunter's Health?" below. How to restore Hunter’s Health...
[DICAS] Efeito de Status
Entender os elementos e efeitos de status de monstros é crucial para conseguir caçá-los com sucesso. Ao usar uma arma que corresponde à fraq...
Perfect evade
Perfect evade means dodging the moment a monster's attack hits.By adjusting the timing accurately, you can temporarily become invincible aft...
Special Skill
After overgrading your weapon to Grade 2, you can tap the Special Skill button to activate the Special Skill for more damage. You ...
Caçada em Grupo
Caçada em GrupoExceto em Missões Urgentes, é possível se juntar a um grupo de caçadores próximos (até quatro pessoas no total) para ca...
[TIPS] Slay Monster
Hunt is completed if the monster's health is fully depleted within the time limit. If it cannot be reduced to 0, the hunt fails.If your heal...
AR Camera
You can use the AR Camera to take photos of Large monsters.Notes:To use the AR Camera, you need to ensure that you have the compatible devic...
[TIPS] Gyro
The Gyro Function is a feature that detects the orientation and tilt of the device, which allows you to control your screen by tilting your ...
Recommended Grade
Recommended Grade is the suggested performance level of weapons and armor needed to successfully slay monsters.*Please note that the recomme...