Solução de Problemas
Dispositivos com suporte
AndroidDispositivos certificados com Play Protect Android 7 ou superior, 64 bits CPU: Snapdragon 855 ou superior No entanto, ao usar u...
Why is my map empty / not loading?
For iOSCheck GPS Settings:Go to your iPhone's Settings. Scroll down and tap on Privacy & Security. Select Location Services. Look for Mo...
Troubleshooting Guide (Android)
GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING STEPSTry completing the troubleshooting steps below in the order presented. Ensure your device is eligible to p...
Troubleshooting Guide (iOS)
Ensure your Monster Hunter Now app is up to dateMonster Hunter Now works best when using the newest version of the app. If you’re experienci...
I cannot download or update Monster Hunter Now app(Android Only)
We have confirmed that the Monster Hunter Now app cannot be downloaded or updated successfully if your device is not supported, or, there ar...
After the message "Sign in to Monster Hunter Now as", I tapped "CONTINUE" and got an error.
We apologize for the inconvenience. We have confirmed that the problem can be resolved by launching the Pokémon GO app or another Niantic ap...
Known issues during the tutorial and corresponding solutions
We would like to inform you about common issues that have been raised based on the current inquiries. Please note that the tutorial may not ...
Monsters and Gathering Points are not appearing
If Monsters and Gathering points are not appearing on the map, it could be due to the following reasons:You are in a country or the region w...
sincronização de aventura
Se você se deparar com problemas com a Sincronização de Aventura, confira os itens a seguir. Se eles não resolverem a questão, entre em...
Troubleshooting for when main screen goes black
We have received several reports from hunters of some Android devices (Xiaomi and Samsung) that the screen turns black after the v61 update ...
HRP will be accumulated when the maximum hunter rank is reached?
No HRP will be accumulated when you hit the maximum hunter rank. If the Hunter Rank limit is changed in a future update, HRP will be accumul...
Are the locations of gathering point (L) and where large monsters appear fixed?
Q. Are the locations of gathering points (L) and where large monsters appear fixed?A. No, they are not. They will change sometimes.
My hunts get interrupted due to Network errors.
Q: My hunts get interrupted due to Network errors.A: Monster Hunter Now requires frequent communication with the game servers to maintain sy...
Troubleshooting Lags and Freezes
(This article is available in English and Japanese)If your device fully meets the requirements for supported devices, yet you still are expe...