Rare Meat

Rare Meat can be used for cooking. When cooking is unsuccessful, it can result in Rare Meat which then can be reused for cooking again. It does not have any other usage besides cooking.

Well-Done Steak

Well-Done Steak can be obtained when cooking is successful. When used, it fills the Special Gauge to the max. Although the Special Gauge will return to 0 if a special skill is used during a hunt, it will fill up again if you begin another hunt within 5 minutes of use.

※In case the hunt was not completed properly, the Special Gauge will be full for the duration of the effect after restarting the app.

Rare Steak and Burnt Steak

Both Rare Steak and Burnt Steak can be obtained when cooking is unsuccessful. When used, it fills the Special Gauge to the max. Although the Special Gauge will return to 0 if a special skill is used during a hunt, it will fill up again if you begin another hunt within 1 minute of use.

※In case the hunt was not completed properly, the Special Gauge will be full for the duration of the effect after restarting the app.

・Rare Steak, Burnt Steak, and Well-Done Steak cannot be used during a hunt. They can only be used before a hunt is started.

・The items’ effect cannot be stacked while Rare Steak, Burnt Steak, and Well-Done Steak are still in use.

・The Special Gauge that is full at the beginning of a hunt, will be reduced to 0 when a special skill is activated. Even if Rare Steak, Burnt Steak, and Well-Done Steak are still in effect, the Special Gauge, once reduced to 0, can only be raised by attacking the monster during a hunt.

Frequently Asked Questions

The effect of the full Special Gauge expired before starting a hunt.

A. The effect is counted from the time the item is used. This includes waiting for other players to complete their preparations or changing equipment. Since the effect of Rare Steak and Burnt Steak is short, it is recommended to use it when you can start hunting at any time, such as, for example, when you are hunting alone. Also, because Rare Steak, Burnt Steak, and Well-Done Steak can be used at any time except during hunting and the time is limited, we recommend using it in the hunt preparation screen.

Q. I used Rare Steak, Burnt Steak, or Well-Done Steak by accident.

A. Please note that once used, the effect cannot be removed.

Q. The effect is still in use but the Special Gauge is not filled up at the start of the hunt.

A. Please try to restart the app.