Niantic complies with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and any other applicable intellectual property laws. In accordance with the DMCA Niantic will respond expeditiously to valid reports of copyright infringement regarding material on websites that Niantic operates (the “Sites”) or on Niantic products or services (the “Services””) that are reported to Niantic or to Niantic’s Designated Copyright Agent.

Click the button below to begin the process.

Upon receipt of a valid Notice, Niantic will take whatever action, in its sole discretion, it deems appropriate, including removal of the reported material.

Note: In accordance with the DMCA, we will forward the details of your report (including your name and email address, and/or the name of the rights owner and their email address) to the person who posted the content, so that you may resolve the dispute independently. If you do not wish for us to share your personal email address, we recommend that you provide a working business or professional email address in the DMCA Notice.