Friends, Gifting & Trading
Adding Friends
You can add friends in Pokémon GO to stay connected with Trainers that you meet along your Pokémon GO journey. Each Trainer has a unique 12-...
Friend List & Friendship Levels
You can add friends in Pokémon GO to stay connected with Trainers that you meet along your Pokémon GO journey. As you play together, y...
Sending & Receiving Gifts
One of the benefits of connecting with friends in Pokémon GO is gaining the ability to send and receive Gifts. When you visit and spin Poké...
What is the Postcard Book?
Your Postcard Book is a collection of Postcards that you have saved. You can collect Postcards from locations that you have ...
What are Gift stickers?
You can add a sticker to a Gift before sending it to a friend. Each sticker can only be used once and will disappear from your inventory whe...
Lucky Friends
Once you become Best Friends, all subsequent friendship interactions have a small chance to make you and your Best Friend become Lucky Fri...
Trading Pokémon
1. MEET UP WITH YOUR FRIEND IN PERSONPlayers must physically be in the same location in order to trade. When you and your friend are nearby,...
Lucky Pokémon
One of the many benefits to trading Pokémon with friends is that you have a chance at receiving a Lucky Pokémon. Lucky Pok&eac...
How can my child access social features such as Friends, Gifting, and Trading?
If your child logs into Pokémon GO using Niantic Kids or Pokémon Trainer Club (PTC), you can opt into enabling social features such as ...
Referring Friends and Referral Bonuses
In addition to adding your friends directly to your Friend List, you can also refer friends using a special code that is unique to you. Wh...
What is the Lucky Trinket?
The Lucky Trinket is a one-time-use item that can be used to turn one friend from your Friend List into a Lucky Friend. When used, the Lucky...
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