Release Notes & Known Issues
When dodging in a Dynamax or Gigantamax Battle, full damage is still applied
Issue description: When dodging in a Dynamax or Gigantamax Battle, damage should be reduced however full damage is currently applied.Issue s...
Reporting a Bug
Please contact us through the Pokémon GO app to report a potential bug is not already listed on the Known Issues page. You won't get an in...
Trainer is sent back to the Map View from the Max Battle lobby before the Gigantamax Battle begins if they are in the lobby at the top of the hour.
Issue description: Trainer is sent back to the World Map from the Max Battle lobby before the Gigantamax Battle begins. The app may need to ...
100 Stardust may not be granted when losing a Max Battle.
Issue description: When a Trainer loses a Max Battle, 100 Stardust should be granted as a reward but is not granted successfully.Issue statu...
Max Move repeats on the Trainer’s second turn.
Issue description: When battling a Max Pokémon, Trainers are able to choose a Max Move to use on their turn. The second time they are offere...
GO Battle League Known Issues
Here is a list of issues related to GO Battle League that are currently being investigated by our engineering team. This list will be update...
Sound Issues During GBL Battles
Issue description: While playing GBL matches, sound effects may become distorted or disappear altogether. This issue can also occur dur...
Amazon Prime codes show error message for some Trainers
Amazon Prime codes show error message for some Trainers.Issue description: Some Trainers see an error message when trying to claim an Amazon...
Some child accounts cannot receive gift tickets for Pokémon GO Tour live events
Issue description: Some parents are unable to gift a live event ticket for GO Tour: Los Angeles or GO Tour: New Taipei City to child account...
Shadow Raids incorrectly display a Mega Evolution icon on the Nearby Menu
Issue description: Some Shadow Raids may incorrectly appear with a Mega Evolution icon on the Nearby Menu indicating it will be a Mega Raid ...
Trainers may need to restart when joining a Shadow Raid
Issue description: When attempting to join a Shadow Raid from the Friends List or from an invitation, the Join Raid button may not work and ...
Fainting during a Max Battle stops "Win 3 Max Battles" Special Research task from progressing.
Issue Description: Even if the other Trainers battling with you in a Max Battle, if all of your Max Pokémon faint during the battle, you wil...
Some Avatar items may cause World Map to disappear.
Issue description: Wearing some Avatar items may cause the World Map to disappear.Issue status: Resolved. If you are still seeing this issue...
Adventure Sync may not work normally on Android devices.
Issue Description: Due to Google Fit service outages related to its migration to Health Connect, Adventure Sync may not work normally on And...
Sneasel does not appear as a rewarded encounter for the Steeled Resolve paid Timed Research
Issue Description: Sneasel should appear as a reward encounter for the paid Timed Research for Steeled Resolve, but does not appear.Issue st...
Meloetta Masterwork Research, "A Dazzling Aria," is Unable to be Gifted
Issue Description: Some Trainers attempting to purchase the Meloetta Masterwork Research “A Dazzling Aria,” as a gift are unable to send the...
Raids not Advancing Timed Research Tasks
Issue Description: Completing Raids is not advancing Raid-related Timed Research tasks for some Trainers.Status: Resolved, additional i...
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