Pokémon GO is free to download and play. For Trainers who want to enhance their Pokémon GO experience, items are available for purchase.

Buying Items from the Shop

To buy these items, you must first purchase PokéCoins (the currency of Pokémon GO). PokéCoins can then be exchanged for premium items in Pokémon GO.
To purchase PokéCoins:
  1. In the Map View, tap the Main Menu
  2. Tap Shop
  3. Tap a pack of PokéCoins to purchase.
  4. You’ll be prompted to complete the purchase via Google Play or Galaxy Store on Android devices or the App Store on iOS devices. Once the purchase is complete, you’ll be able to exchange your PokéCoins for premium items.
To exchange PokéCoins for items:
  1. From the Map View, tap the Main Menu
  2. Tap Shop
  3. Tap an item to select it for exchange.
  4. Tap Exchange complete the exchange. Your items will then appear in your Bag. Note that there may be a short delay before items appear in your Bag.
Please note that certain items, such as event tickets and some item bundles may only available for purchase with real money. These can be purchased by tapping the item and repeating the steps to purchase PokéCoins above.
Tip: You can also exchange PokéCoins for clothing and accessories for your avatar.

Buying Items from the Niantic Web Store

In addition to buying items from the Pokémon GO in-app shop, PokéCoins, premium items, and exclusive bundles are available for purchase from the Pokémon GO Web Store. 

In addition to making purchases with real money, you can also make purchases of select items using PokéCoins. 

To make a purchase from the Web Store:

  1. Go to the Pokémon GO Web Store: https://store.pokemongolive.com/
  2. Sign in with your Pokémon GO account.
  3. Browse the items for sale and select the one you want to purchase by clicking or tapping on the price.
  4. Enter a promotional code if you have one. When you are ready to purchase, click or tap the "Proceed to Payment" button.
  5. Review your order, confirm your payment information, and click or tap the "Pay" button.

If you run into any issues processing your payment or making a purchase, please see your available support options here.

What is the Reward Road?

Reward Road is a program that will allow you to earn in-game rewards and bonuses by making purchases in Pokémon GO. Every eligible purchase you make will earn you points that progress you towards a set of rewards. 

Claiming Your Rewards

To claim your rewards, you'll first need to log into the website below with the same login credentials you use to sign into the game. 

Once you’re signed in, follow these steps to claim your rewards:

  1. Open this website.
  2. Sign in with the same login method you use to play Pokémon GO and in which you made your purchases.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will see the GO Rewards section.
  4. Rewards that you have earned will be highlighted. Tap or click Claim! to claim the rewards. You can also see your cumulative points for the month and upcoming rewards and levels. 

Note that all rewards will need to be claimed on the website above, even if your Reward Points were earned through in-app purchases. An account must be in good standing to claim rewards.

Any Reward Points you earn in a given month do not carry over to the next month. You'll need to make sure to claim your unlocked rewards before the end of the month. Depending on your settings, you may receive email and/or in-game reminders in the days leading up to the end of the month to help you remember to claim your rewards.

At the start of each new month, the Reward Road and all Reward Point totals will reset and you will see a new set of rewards to earn. 

Earning Reward Points*

Every eligible purchase you make will earn points towards a set of rewards. As you earn Reward Points, you'll unlock rewards on the Reward Road. Each level of rewards requires a specific number of points to unlock.

**Reward Points expire at the end of the calendar month. Even if a Trainer claims every reward, Reward Points will not carry over between months. Trainers using child accounts are not eligible to participate in the Rewards Road program. Reward Points are not cash or any other currency, and they are non-transferable between accounts. Reward Road program availability and terms are subject to change.

Eligible Purchases

Keep in mind that only purchases made with real-world currency will earn Reward Points and contribute to your progress on Reward Road.  Purchases made with Poké Coins or Pokémon GO Gift Cards, and purchases for live event tickets (e.g. Pokémon GO Fest Live and others) will not earn any Reward Points. 

Earning Free PokéCoins with the Defender Bonus

You can earn free PokéCoins by placing your Pokémon at Gyms. The longer the Pokémon stay at the Gym, the more PokéCoins you earn. You redeem your PokéCoins only after your Pokémon return from the Gym.

Restricting In-App Purchases on your Device

You can restrict in-app purchases on your device to prevent accidental or unauthorized purchases from the Shop: