How to Play Monster Hunter Now
How to play Monster Hunter Now
Welcome to Monster Hunter Now!In Monster Hunter Now, you can seek out and hunt monsters that pop up around our world.Take the hunt outside, ...
Seasons and Season Pass
SeasonsStarting March 2024, Monster Hunter Now will introduce a Season system, with each season lasting approximately three months and featu...
Urgent Quest Difficulty Change
“Lower Urgent Quest Difficulty” allows you to lower the difficulty of the Season Story's Urgent Quests.NotesThis feature is available f...
Elder Dragon Interception
Elder Dragon Interceptions, occurring only in specific locations, allow you to hunt an elder dragon. Unless in special circumstances, E...
Friend Quest
What is a Friend Quest?Friend Quests are weekly quests that you can progress together with friends, regardless of their distance from you. U...
Story Quests
In Monster Hunter Now, progressing through Story Quests allows you to unlock new weapons and features.Prologue StoryThe first set of quests ...
Special Quests
In Monster Hunter Now, in addition to Story Quests, Special Quests are also available. Special Quests have a time limit. Complete the quests...
DriftsmeltingDriftsmelting is a feature that allows you to attach skills to equipment by using driftstones obtained from slaying monsters.&n...
Dimensional Link
There is a certain probability that dimensionally linked monsters will appear in the field. Monsters which exhibit this phenomenon can be hu...
Skills Obtainable from Mysterious Driftstones
Mysterious driftstones are acquired through special events and give you the option to enhance your equipment with unique skills that are uno...