With the exception of Urgent Quests, you can join a group of nearby hunters (up to four people total) to hunt a Large monster.

Inviting nearby hunters to join you in the hunt

1. In the Hunt Prep Screen, tap "Hunt with nearby hunters" to begin.

2. Tap "Begin" to search for additional hunters.

3. You will be taken to the Lobby. When you tap the "Ready" button, any hunters who have set their status as "Ready!" will join your hunt.


  • Selecting "Hunt with nearby hunters" causes a Group hunt Recruitment notification to be sent to hunters close to you. You cannot reject hunters who have agreed to join your Group.
  • You cannot tap on "Hunt with nearby hunters" if no other hunters are nearby.

  • When nearby hunters have screens other than the Main Screen displayed, they may not be counted as Nearby Hunters. This can result in issues such as being unable to tap "Hunt with Nearby hunters" or not receiving Group hunt Recruitment notifications.

  • If nearby hunters are in a party, they will not receive Group hunt Recruitment notifications.

  • Even if hunters you want to add to your Group are close by, they may not receive a Group hunt Recruitment notification due to network connectivity issues.

  • The hunt will automatically start 120 seconds after recruitment begins.

  • The rewards from hunts are random.

Joining a Group hunt by invitation from other hunters
  1. Tap the "Join hunt!" message when it appears in the Main Screen.

  2. Hunt Invitations will be displayed, letting you check the list of hosts recruiting for Group hunts. Tap on the hunt you wish to join.

  3. Change your equipment if necessary.

  4. Tap on "Ready!" to continue.


  • If you are not on the Main Screen, you may not receive Group hunt Recruitment notifications. To join a hunt by accepting invitations from other hunters, please stay on the Main Screen.
  • If the host starts the hunt before you tap "Ready!", you may not be able to join the hunt.

  • Even if you are close to the host, you may not receive a Group hunt Recruitment notification.

  • At present, you cannot change your equipment after tapping "Ready!".

  • Depending on when you tap on "Ready!", you may be able to join a hunt already in progress.

  • If the hunt you tap to join is already at the maximum number of participants and you cannot join, another lobby will be created and a recruitment will be initiated to other hunters nearby.

  • There are minimum Hunter Rank requirements to join hunts for large monsters 8★ and above. If these requirements are not met, you will not receive “Join hunt!” notifications for the relevant monsters.
    • Hunting 8★ Large Monsters: HR 50 or above
    • Hunting 9★ Large Monsters: HR 100 or above
    • Hunting 10★ Large Monsters: HR 150 or above


Hunt with your Party members

You can use the Party function to engage in Group Hunts with specific members only. For more details, please refer to the FAQ: Party.