What is Group Chat (Only available in selected countries and regions)

Group Chat function enables you to contact your Niantic Friends at the same time. Currently, this function is only available in selected countries and regions. Monster Hunter Now Group Chat function is powered by Niantic Campfire. For more information, please visit https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/ja/34-campfire/?p=web

To Start Group Chat (with people on your Friends List)

  1. Tap [Profile]
  2. Tap [Friends]
  3. Tap [Niantic Chat]
  4. Select Friends up to 10 to start Group Chat.

Tap and hold your posted message will lead you to the menu below.

  • Copy Text

  • Add Reaction

  • Edit Message

  • Pin Message

  • Delete Message

Tap and hold your member’s message will lead to the menu below.

  • Copy Text

  • Add Reaction

  • Pin Message

  • Report

Reporting - Tap and hold on an inappropriate message to report that content to our moderation team.

Message Settings

Within Messages, you can tap on the “i” icon on the top right to view/edit the settings


Add People

Tapping “Add People” leads you to add other friends to the Group Chat.

View Pinned Messages

Tapping “View Pinned Message” leads you to show the Pinned messages. 

Viewing Members

Tapping “View Members” leads you to the Friend's Niantic Profile screen. 

Controlling your experience in Group Chat

Mute Conversation

Muting conversation prevents you from notifying you of a new message. Please note you will still be able to see the message and friend status is kept. To unmute, please tap “unmute” at the conversation screen.

Leave Conversation

Leaving Conversation prevents you from joining the conversation. Please note even if you create the GroupChat, the group chat will continue after you leave the conversation. 

Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t see the “Niantic Chat” button on the friend screen.

There are several possible reasons that you don’t see “Niantic Chat” button

  • Your located countries/regions are not eligible to use [Niantic Chat]

  • You disabled the use of [Niantic Chat] at the setting screen

I cannot start Group Chat with some of my friends

There are several possible reasons that you cannot invite your friend to Group Chat

  • Your friend is not in countries or regions where the Niantic Chat is available

  • Your friend is blocking use of chat(Ver 67 or after)

  • Your friend is not allowed to use chat

I don’t want to use Niantic Chat. How can I disable the chat function?

Please go to the settings menu and you will see the [Niantic Chat] section. Or, you can go to the setting menu by

  1. Tap [Profile]
  2. Tap [Friends]
  3. Tap three-dot at the right-top corner
  4. Tap [Niantic Chat] Setting]

Please note if you uncheck the setting, you will no longer be able to chat with any of your friends and receive any message notifications.

I want to use Niantic Chat but would like to stop In-game notifications/Push Notifications when a message is received . How can I disable the notification setting?

Please go to the settings menu and you will see the Niantic Chat section. Or, you can go to the setting menu by

  1. Tap [Profile]
  2. Tap [Friends]
  3. Tap three-dot at the right-top corner
  4. Tap [NianticChat Setting]

Please note if you uncheck the setting, you will no longer be able to chat with any of your friends and receive any message notifications.

Can I report an inappropriate message?

You can report in two ways;

Report User
  1. Tap on the “i” icon on the top right to view/edit the settings at the chat screen
  2. Tap “View Members”
  3. Tap the member you want to report
  4. Tap the three-dot button at the top-right of the screen
  5. Tap Report 
  6. Tap the reason for the report
  7. Tap “Submit Report”
Report Message
  1. Tap and hold the message that you feel inappropriate
  2. Tap the reason for the report
  3. Tap “Submit Report”

In both cases, our moderation team reviews your report shortly and takes appropriate actions on a case-by-case basis.

There is a stranger in my Group Chat. Why?

Your friends can invite their friends to Group Chat.

Is there any way to remove someone from my Group Chat?

We don’t have an option to remove someone from the Group Chat.

Can I appeal? 

If you believe your account has been banned or suspended in error, you may submit an appeal through this form. We will do our best to respond after we’ve reviewed your submission. Appeals sent via other forms of communication (e.g. email, social media etc.) will not be considered. Under “Campfire Issue Category” select “Suspension Appeal” and add details to support your appeal in the text box. 

Players are only able to appeal their own account suspension or ban. Attempts to appeal for another Player will be dismissed. Abusing or spamming the appeals form will also lead to dismissal.