If you encounter issues with Adventure Sync, please check the following items. If the following does not solve the problem, please contact us from within the app.

Check if Adventure Sync is working properly

Adventure Sync can be toggled on and off in "Settings" in the app. If "Adventure Sync" is checked, it is activated.

If you are experiencing symptoms such as Palico is not marking monsters with Palico Paintballs even when Adventure Sync is turned on, please try the following steps.

Please set your device's location permission to "Always Allow" so that location information can be accessed even when the app is closed.

  • Android:

    • Go to "Settings" on your device and go to "Allow apps" -> "Apps and notifications" -> [App Name] -> "Permissions" -> proceed to "Location" and make sure it is turned on. 

    • Note that the steps may be different for some devices.

  • iOS:

    • Go to "Settings" -> "Privacy" -> "Location services" -> "[Monster Hunter Now]" -> "Allow location Access" and switch to "Always Allow".

When it is not reflected correctly

If your device is in power saving mode or bandwidth restrictions are enabled, it may disable the sensor required for Adventure Sync, which may stop this feature. If it does not work properly, disable the power saving mode on your device or contact your carrier. Turn off power saving mode in individual app settings as well.


Every time I open "Monster Hunter Now" I am asked to allow location information (iOS).

On certain iOS devices, you may be prompted to allow location each time you open "Monster Hunter Now" until you set the location permission to "Always allow".  This may appear the first time you open the app, when you open the app on a new device, or when you uninstall/reinstall the app. 

In this case, please select "While Using the App". If you are asked to allow the use of location information in the background even when you are not using the App: Select "Always allow" and the distance traveled will be reflected even when the App is not open.

If you do not see any indication on iOS or in-game, the best way to activate Adventure Sync is as follows

  • Go to "Settings" on iOS -> "Privacy & Security" -> "Location Services" -> "[Monster Hunter Now]" -> "Allow Location Access" and switch to "Always”.

  • Activate "Adventure Sync" in "Monster Hunter Now" settings. 

Even if you select "Change to Always", you may receive an additional indication from iOS to let you know that "Monster Hunter Now" is accessing your location. Please note that if you do not select "Always" at that time, Adventure Sync will be turned off.


How do I disable Adventure Sync?

Uncheck "Adventure Sync" in the "Settings".

Note: On devices running Android 10, Adventure Sync must be disabled via the in-app settings. Disabling behavior recognition from the Android OS will not completely disable Adventure Sync.


Even after turning off Adventure Sync, the "Adventure Sync" dialog box appears every time.

You can disable the dialog box using the following method:

  • Change the device's location settings from "Always" to "While Using the App".

  • Then, in the corresponding dialog box, check "Don't show notifications in the future" and tap "Don't set."