We would like to inform you about common issues that have been raised based on the current inquiries. Please note that the tutorial may not proceed correctly while you are in a fast-moving vehicle such as a train, car, or bus, or when underground. We kindly request that you play the app in a stationary position with stable network connection.

No Map Display:

This could be happened when you are not located in the Monster Hunter Now available countries. If you  are, please check the FAQ below.


Stuck at “Take care of the rest of 'em!”

If the tutorial is not progressing, please try restarting the app and wait for Jagras to reappear.

Great Jagras not appearing at “Go on, Hunter, tap that monster!” 

If Great Jagras does not appear during the "Go on, Hunter, tap that monster!" part of the tutorial, please restart the app and wait for Great Jagras to reappear.

Unable to Upgrade Weapons:

  • To upgrade weapons, you need to collect materials from Gathering points. If Gathering points are not visible, please restart the app and wait on the Main Menu for a while.

Other Tutorial Issues:

  • If you encounter any other tutorial-related issues, we apologize for the inconvenience. Please restart the app, display the Main Menu, and wait for some time before attempting again.

If the issues persist despite following the above steps, kindly contact Customer Support from within the app for further assistance.  If you cannot access in-app support, please contact us from webform, and select Issue Category as "Sign-in Issue".