For iOS

Check GPS Settings:

  1. Go to your iPhone's Settings.

  2. Scroll down and tap on Privacy & Security.

  3. Select Location Services.

  4. Look for Monster Hunter NOW in the list of apps and tap on it.

Adjust Location Sharing Settings:

Please make sure that the location setting for Monster Hunter NOW is configured to either "Always" or "While Using the App." This setting is essential for the proper functioning of our game.
Furthermore, please ensure that the location accuracy is set to "Precise location." This adjustment is crucial for optimal performance.

For Android

Android users should also ensure that their location settings are appropriately configured for Monster Hunter NOW. Please follow these steps on your Android device:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android device.

  2. Scroll down and select Location or Location & Security (depending on your Android version).

  3. Look for Monster Hunter NOW in the list of apps and tap on it.

  4. Make sure that the location access is enabled for Monster Hunter NOW. You can choose to allow location access "All the time" or "Only while using the app," depending on your preferences. Furthermore, please ensure  “Improve Location Accuracy” is turned on. This adjustment is crucial for optimal performance.

If there is no problem with the GPS settings of the device, the following operation may improve the situation. 

  • Wait a few minutes in displayed screen
  • Switch from Wi-fi to 4G/5G connection
  • Accessthe  app at different times
  • Restart the app
  • Reinstall the app