Understanding the Elements and Status Ailments of monsters is crucial to successfully hunting them. By using a weapon that matches the monster's elemental weakness, you can deal more damage. Additionally, knowing about Status Ailments helps you inflict them on monsters or resist them more effectively. In this article, we will introduce some of these concepts.

Monsters’ Elements

Monsters are weak against certain Elements, and attacking with a weapon that exploits a monster's weak element allows you to deal more damage.

Elemental weapons have a corresponding icon on their thumbnail image. You inflict more damage when a weapon's elemental icon matches a monster's elemental weakness, so try switching up your weapon to suit every monster!

Example: Kulu-Ya-Ku

  • Weakness:Water

  • Suitable Weapons: Jagras Edge (Water Element), etc.

*Some weapons and armor come with skills that are unlocked when you overgrade them to a certain Grade. The skills and their unlock grades for each equipment can be confirmed in the equipment details screen.

Status Ailments

There are various Status Ailments that can activate during a hunt. In this article, we will introduce some of them.



  • If a hunter is poisoned, the Health will be reduced for a certain period of time.

Hunter's Poison Attack

  • Attack the monster with a poison element weapon, building up a certain amount of poison to activate the effect.

  • Monsters are more likely to be poisoned by wearing Equipment with a Poison Attack Skill.

Poison Attack by a Large Monster

  • When a certain amount of poison from attacks with a Poison Element weapon is built up, the hunter will become poisoned.

  • Wearing Equipment with Poison Resistance reduces the likelihood of entering the Poisoned state or prevents it altogether.



  • If a hunter is paralyzed, the hunter will be unable to move for a certain period of time.

Hunter's Paralysis Attack

  • Attack the monster with a paralysis element weapon, building up a certain amount of paralysis to activate the effect.

  • Monsters are more likely to be paralyzed by wearing equipment with Paralysis Attack Skill.

You can deal more damage than usual while attacking a paralyzed monster. 

Paralysis Attack by a Large Monster

  • When a certain amount of paralysis from attacks with a paralysis element weapon is built up, the hunter will become paralyzed.

  • In the Paralysis state, continuous tapping can shorten the duration of the Paralysis status.

  • Wearing Equipment with Paralysis Resistance reduces the likelihood of entering the Paralysis state or prevents it altogether. 



  • If a hunter is in a sleep state, the hunter will be unable to do any action for a certain period of time.

Hunter’s Sleep Attack

  • Attack the monster with a sleep element weapon, building up a certain amount of sleep to activate the effect.

  • Monsters are more likely to fall asleep by wearing Equipment with Sleep Attack Skill.

※ The first attack after the monster has entered a Sleep state will do more damage than usual. However, the monster's Sleep state will be canceled upon attacking.

Sleep Attack by a Large Monster

  • When a certain amount of sleep from attacks with a sleep element weapon is built up, the hunter will enter a sleep state.

  • Wearing Equipment with Sleep Resistance reduces the likelihood of entering the Sleep state or prevents it altogether.

  • Activating the SP skill before falling into a sleep state can prevent the Sleep status from occurring.

Other Effects on Large Monsters caused by Hunter Attacks



  • If stunned, the Large monster will be incapable of any action.

  • It is caused by continuously attacking the head of a Large monster with blunt weapons, SP skills, or certain other attacks.



  • If blasted, the large monster will take Blast damage.

  • Blast is caused by inflicting a certain amount of damage to the large monster with a weapon or technique of the Blast element.

Other Effects on Hunter caused by Large Monster



  • If a Tremor occurs, the hunter will stagger and become stuck.

  • Wearing Equipment with the effect of "Tremor Resistance" reduces the effect of the Tremor or nullifies.

Wind Pressure


  • If a Wind Pressure occurs, the hunter will stand up after putting his hands on the ground.

  • Wearing Equipment with the effect of "Windproof" reduces the effect of the Wind Pressure or nullifies.



  • If a Roar occurs, the hunter will cover his ears.

  • Wearing Equipment with the effect of "Earplugs" reduces the effect of the Roar or nullifies.



  • If a hunter receives damage from a large monster's special attack, the hunter enters a Bleeding state.

  • When Bleeding, Bleeding damage builds up each time the hunter attacks or evades. If the hunter is attacked while Bleeding damage is building up, their health decreases by the built-up Bleeding damage in addition to the normal damage. 

  • Wearing equipment with Bleeding Resistance reduces the likelihood of entering the Bleeding state or prevents it altogether.

  • The Bleeding state will be canceled after a certain period of time without attacking or evading.



  • If Blinded by a large monster's special attack, the screen darkens, making it difficult to see the monster for a certain period.

  • During the Blinded effect, the lock-on button cannot be used. Additionally, if the lock-on feature is active, it will be disabled.

  • If equipped with a long-range weapon, it becomes difficult to gauge the critical distance when Blinded.



  • If Bubbleblight is triggered by a large monster's special attacks, the hunter will slide in the direction of the evasion. 

  • If equipped with the skill “Bubbly Dance,” the impact of bubbleblight will be reduced and it becomes easier to perform the Perfect Evade while in the Bubbleblight state. Depending on the Lv of the Bubbly Dance, hunters can also initiate Bubbleblight state on yourself. 



  • If Blastblight is triggered by a large monster's special attacks, the hunter will take blast damage after a certain period of time.

  • The Blastblight state can be canceled by performing evasions several times before the blast damage is inflicted. 



  •  If Hellfireblight is triggered, the hunter will take damage after a certain period of time.
    By performing evades several times before taking damage, the hellfireblight can be canceled and by performing a perfect evade, hellfire will drop to the ground and remain there. The hellfire will explode and inflict damage when the monster comes in contact with it.

  • By equipping armor with Hellfire Cloak effect, you can trigger hellfireblight on yourself. By increasing its skill level, you can increase your attack power during hellfireblight in exchange for decreased defense. 



  • If a hunter is envenomed, the health will be reduced for a certain period of time.
  • The amount of health reduced is greater than Posion and shorter in duration. 
  • Wearing equipment with Poison Resistance reduces the likelihood of entering the Venom state or even prevents it altogether depending on the level of the skill.
  • If a hunter is afflicted by the venom while already poisoned, the poison status will be canceled and changed to venom.