(This article is English, Japanese, Korean and Traditional Chinese only)
“Unable to Authenticate” and “Failed to Log in” Error Messages
For Android Hunter,
Please see this article
For iOS Hunter,
Please see this article
Please see this article
Password Help
Your account password is maintained by your login provider. Because Monster Hunter Now does not collect or store your external account passwords, our support team cannot access or reset the password of the external account you use to log in.
To change or reset your password, please visit your login provider's website:
- Google account: Visit Google’s account recovery form to reset your password or visit the My Account page to change your password. For more information, visit the Google Accounts Help Center.
- Apple: Visit this Apple support page for help changing your password.
Email Address & Login Provider Help
If you do not know which email address or login provider you used to log into Monster Hunter Now, we may be able to help recover it by looking up your player name. Please contact us.
Still don’t know your player name or email address?
Unfortunately, we will not be able to locate your account in our system without either your player name or email address. In the event you recall your login provider, use the resources below to recover your login credentials:
- Google: Use Google’s recovery form to receive a list of all your Google email addresses.
- Apple: You may have chosen the “Hide my email” option when creating an account. If so, go to your Settings app to find your randomly generated email address for Monster Hunter Now, or visit this Apple support page for additional help logging back into your account.