Add the Campfire bot to your Discord server to help support your Campfire live events on Discord! The Campfire bot will: 

  • Allow you to link your Campfire account and Discord account

  • Allow you to link your Campfire Group and Discord server

  • Automatically create Discord Events in your Discord server when you create a Meetup on Campfire

  • Automatically post your Campfire Meetups in a designated Discord text channel when you create them in Campfire

    • Only the name of the Meetup, location, and description will be shared. Information such as a list of attendees will be hidden on Discord. 

  • Allow Discord server members to get notified of new Meetups when they’re created on Campfire

  • Allow Discord server members to receive reminders to check in to Meetups 


Note: Public or Private Meetups can be shared using the Campfire bot. 

Adding the Campfire bot to your Discord server

To link your Campfire account to your Discord server, first you need to connect the Campfire Bot to your server. First, in the settings menu of your Discord server, go to the App Directory. 


Note: You must be a server owner or admin to make any of these connections.



Find the Campfire bot and select “Add to Server”.



Select the server you want to link Campfire to and hit “Continue” and “Authorize”.


Connecting your Campfire account to Discord


Go to the server that you connected the Campfire app to and type in /link and hit enter. From there you will be prompted to authenticate your account through Campfire to complete your connection.

Connecting your Campfire Group to your Discord server


Use the Campfire bot to keep your Discord server up to date on Live Event details and Meetups for a particular Campfire Group. 


Note: You must be the owner of a Campfire Group and the owner and admin of a Discord server to connect the Campfire Bot.


To connect your Campfire Group to Discord, type in /setup and hit enter. Choose one or more of the Campfire Groups you own to link to this Discord server. From there you can choose a channel for the Campfire bot to post live events announcements and meetup updates to. 



Posting an Event from Campfire to Discord


With the Campfire Bot connected, any meetup you create in your Campfire Group will be automatically posted to your Discord server. To create a meetup from Campfire, in the Campfire app, head to your Campfire Group and create a meetup from the Meetups channel. After you’ve created your meetup in Campfire, it should automatically appear in Discord in the Events section and create a post in your designated Discord text channel.


Note: The Campfire Bot currently only supports meetups created directly in Campfire. Events created in Discord will not be posted to Campfire. You must be the owner or the admin of a Group in Campfire to create a meetup.


Once a meetup is created in your Campfire Group, it will be automatically posted in your connected Discord server in the Event section and designated text channel. 






Changing language settings

If you want the Campfire bot to use a different language for automated messages like meetup updates and event announcements, you can change the bot’s configured language using the /config language subcommand.


Configuring your Campfire Group connection

You can change preferences for a linked Campfire Group from that Group’s connections menu in Campfire.



The configurable options are:


  • Create Discord events: Allows the bot to create Discord events when a meetup is created.

  • Post messages to this Discord channel: Determines which Discord channel the bot will post meetup creation messages, meetup reminders, and news of upcoming events to.

  • Post Meetup creation messages: Allows the bot to post a message to the chosen channel when a meetup is created or updated.

  • Post Meetup reminders: Allows the bot to post a message to the chosen channel when a meetup is about to start.

  • Post news of upcoming events: Allows the bot to post a message to the chosen channel when a live event is coming up.


Disconnecting your Campfire Group from your Discord server

To disconnect your Campfire Group from your Discord server, navigate to your Campfire group’s Connections menu, then click the X button on the Discord connection. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to remove the connection.


Existing Discord events will not be affected. If you or another Discord server admin linked other Campfire groups to your server, those groups will not be affected.


You can reconnect your Campfire Group to your Discord server at any time with the /setup command.

List of all Campfire Bot commands

/link - Connect your Campfire account to your Discord account

/setup - Connect your Campfire group to your Discord server

/unlink - Disconnect your Campfire account and Discord account

/help - Instructions for how to use the Campfire bot

/config - Configure global settings for the Campfire bot

Disconnecting your Campfire Account and Discord Account


There are two different ways to disconnect your Campfire account and Discord account. Both ways will remove the connection from your Campfire and Discord accounts, and you will only need to complete one of them to remove the connection. 


To disconnect your Discord Bot from Discord, type the /unlink command to the Campfire Bot.


To disconnect your Discord Bot from Campfire, navigate to the Connections settings in your Campfire app by tapping on the Profile in the Tab Bar, then tapping on the Settings menu (Gear Icon) at the top right of your Profile. Once in Connections, tap on the X icon to remove your Discord account from your Campfire account.


Removing the Campfire Bot from your Discord server

To remove the Campfire bot from your Discord server, go to your Server Settings in your Discord Server. Then, under the Apps section, go to Integrations. Within Integrations, under the Bots and Apps section, find the Campfire Bot and tap on Manage. Then, scroll down to the bottom and tap on the Remove App button.