Campfire is a place to connect with other players in your community to share your experience with Niantic apps. Explore our privacy features that put you in control.

Please note that Campfire is only available for adults and children over the age of digital consent. Please see Niantic Kids Parent Portal for more information on how parents can manage their children’s experiences, and our Parent Guide for additional resources to support teens and young people.

Your Settings

You can access your settings by going to your profile and tapping the Settings icon in the top right corner. In your Settings you can manage the following privacy features:

What can the public see about me?

Your Campfire profile is not available to the general public. Only those who have downloaded the app or use the embedded app experience will be able to see limited information about you.

What can other Campfire users see about me?

You can search for other users by Niantic ID or Campfire username. You can also see other players’ information if you are in the same Group, Flare Chat, post anything publicly, or are in a group chat/DM. If they tap on your profile, they will be able to see your Niantic ID, display name, profile photo, and the Niantic game profiles you choose to share publicly.

Game profile visibility only applies to Campfire and Niantic Profile and does not make you undiscoverable in other Niantic games. 


What can Friends see about me?

Campfire users who are your friend in the app can find your profile in their friends list, or if you are in the same Group, chats, DMs, or Flare Chats. They can also view your profile if you post anything that is only visible to friends. If they tap on your profile, they will be able to see your Niantic ID, display name, profile photo, as well as the Niantic game profiles you choose to share with friends.

If you do not want to display what other Niantic games you play to your friends, you can make that information private by going to your profile, tapping on the settings gear, and tapping “Edit Profile.” Tap each individual game to deselect it from appearing in your Campfire profile.

Your Campfire Profile

Your Campfire Profile is how you represent yourself in Campfire. Your profile shows your display name, your Niantic ID, and any in-game usernames you have linked to the account. If you visit someone’s profile you can add them as a friend, send a direct message (or message request), and take additional account actions such as blocking and reporting.

 Please note: Profiles are accessible to others within Groups, text channels, direct / group messages, and through some game integrations. 

To customize your profile:

  1. Tap your profile on the bottom right of the navigation bar.

  2. Tap the settings icon on the top right of the page.

  3. Tap Edit Profile.

  4. Change your profile icon, Campfire display name, Niantic ID, and adjust visibility and privacy settings for all connected Niantic games.

Note: You can only change your Niantic ID once, so please do so with caution.

  1. To adjust visibility and privacy settings for each game individually, tap the game profile for which you would like to change.