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Your Niantic Profile
Your Niantic Profile is a section of your game-specific profile that displays your information from across Niantic apps on a single screen.&...
Portal Scanning
Portal Scanning is an opt-in feature that enables Agents Level 8 and higher to record a stream of images of Portals and their surroundings. ...
What is a Scout Controller?
Scout Controller is a special designation publicly visible on the Portal details screen of each Portal, which credits Agents with the most n...
What is the Dronenet?
In 2012, the NIA launched a clandestine drone initiative, “Codename: NL-DN” (November Lima Drone Network), as part of the NOVEMBER LIMA proj...
What is C.O.R.E.?
C.O.R.E., which stands for Community, Offers, Recognition, and Expansion, is a monthly subscription service for Ingress Agents. For a m...
Daily Bonuses
Earn AP and item bonuses for hacking Portals every day. Earn an even larger bonus for completing these activities for multiple days in a row...
Enable Spatial Audio and head tracking
Ingress uses Spatial Audio and head tracking to create an immersive experience where you can hear Enlightened, Resistance, and neutral Porta...