Every day, the Ingress community is mobilizing. From XM Anomaly Events to Cross-Faction Meetups to monthly First Saturday events, Ingress is happening all around you. Visit the Ingress Events page for more information on upcoming events in your location. Some of the common events that happen across the world are:


Anomaly events are concentrated surges of XM that attract thousands of Agents to key Anomaly Sites around the globe. These events typically include five hours of intense Portal activity, with both Factions battling for control of key Portals and Cells. The outcome of each Anomaly Series can change the course of the Ingress timeline and backstory. Each Anomaly attended grants you a special Medal to your Agent profile for your contributions towards your Faction’s goal.


Mission Days bring together Agents from both factions to explore cities around the world through the lens of Ingress with unique and local adventures on foot. Attending multiple Mission Days also rewards you with a special Medal in your Agent profile.


Agents often host events to help support new recruits and promote Cross-Faction relations, typically on the first Saturday of the month (“First Saturdays”). These events usually include a meet-and-greet at a cafe, where veteran Agents are paired with new recruits to introduce them to the Scanner, provide tips, and help the newer Agent gain AP to level up. At the end of the day, the Levels and AP gained from Enlightened and Resistance Agents are tallied to determine winning Agents.


Agents organize social events to promote Cross-Faction relations. Ask your local community leaders if there are any Cross-Faction events in your area.

Join Ingress Communities

The struggle to save the planet spans the entire world. Groups of people acting together can be more effective than individuals acting alone. Join a community to get help or strategize with fellow agents.

Campfire gives the Ingress community a new way to experience the joy of real-world gameplay. Find and connect with nearby players to accomplish in-game activities and quests!