Ingress can connect you to a global community of active Agents in your area and around the world. In addition to local Portal activity, alerts, and news updates, the Communications Channel (COMM) also features Faction and Cross-Faction chat.
As you level up, several status updates will be automatically posted to Faction Chat to alert your Faction to your arrival and your progress:
  1. Agent completed their Agent Training
  2. Agent captured their first Portal
  3. Agent created their first Link
  4. Agent created their first Control Field
When you're ready to connect with your Faction, you can introduce yourself in Faction Chat by sending a message. Veteran Agents are often eager to help new recruits learn how to level up, and how or where to join the local Faction community.
In the event that you encounter a rogue Agent who is not following our Agent Protocol, please report inappropriate gameplay to our team. We review all reports and take action where appropriate.