The prime objective of both the Enlightened and the Resistance is to capture as many human Mind Units (MU) as possible. As an Ingress Agent, you can make an impact on your Regional and Global Scores by creating Links and Control Fields as you navigate the Portal Network.

How to Link

Imagine there are two Portals controlled by your Faction: Portals A and B. In order to create a Link from Portal A to Portal B, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Portals A and B must be controlled by your Faction, fully deployed with eight Resonators on each Portal
  2. You must have at least one Key for Portal B in your accessible Inventory
  3. Portal B must be within linkable range of Portal A, without any blocking Links between Portals A and B (Links cannot intersect or cross)

If all of the above conditions are met, then follow these steps to establish a Portal Link to Portal B:

  1. Get within 40m range of Portal A
  2. On the Map screen, tap Portal A to open Portal Details screen, then tap Link
  3. Select Portal B from the list of possible target Portals, then tap LINK to use the Portal B Key and create a Link

How to Field

Now imagine there are three Portals controlled by your Faction: Portals A, B, and C. To create a Control Field, link three friendly Portals together to create a triangle:

  1. Create a Link from Portal A to Portal B
  2. Create a Link from Portal B to Portal C
  3. Create a Link from Portal C back to Portal A to close the triangle

Creating a Field captures the MU of the population under that Field. The larger the Field, the greater the MU.

Protip: In addition to seeing the current Global Score when starting the Ingress app, you can review the current Regional and Global View at any time by tapping the Main menu button > Scores.

 Your Faction's Regional and Global Scores are measured at Checkpoints that occur every five hours, five times per 25-hour Shaper day, seven Shaper days per Septicycle. If a Field is up at Checkpoint, then its MU is added to the running Regional and Global Scores. The Faction with the greater MU count at the end of the Septicycle wins the Septicycle, and the countdown clock resets.