Opponent Portals are Portals controlled by the opposing Factions. You can neutralize opponent Portals by firing weapons, like XMPs and Ultra Strikes, to destroy all of the Resonators on the Portal. Deploy Resonators after neutralizing the Portal to capture it for your Faction.
  1. On the Map screen, tap the Main menu button and select Attack
  2. Select your weapon and tap FIRE to attack opponent Portals
Protip: Boost attack strength up to +20% by long-pressing the FIRE button to charge your XMP, then releasing when the attack ring closes in on your current location. 

XMP Burster

The Exotic Matter Pulse (XMP) radiates outward from your current location. Like Resonators, XMPs also range from Level 1 to Level 8. You unlock access to each level's XMP as you level up, and higher level XMPs have a larger radius of fire and do more damage.

Ultra Strike

The Ultra Strike is like a surgical laser on your current location. They are ideal for targeting an individual opponent Resonator or Portal Mod. Stand directly on top of the opponent Portal core or the center of the Portal, then fire Ultra Strikes to attack Portal Mods, like Shields and Turrets.