Dispatch contains daily Bounties and long-form events or Campaigns. Every day at 00:00 local time on the DAILY tab, Agents receive a new Assignment with four daily Bounties that can be completed for items and AP. Active Global Challenge events as well as upcoming events are listed on the CAMPAIGN tab.

To access Dispatch, follow these steps:

  1. On the Map screen, tap the Dispatch button above the COMM preview.
  2. Alternatively, tap the Main menu button, then tap Dispatch.


How to Claim Bounties

Each Bounty provides a description of the task and its corresponding reward. Tap a Bounty to read additional information on how to complete it, and a list of rewards you will earn upon completing and then claiming the Bounty.


A yellow notification dot on the Dispatch button indicates you can claim a reward. Open Dispatch and tap CLAIM REWARD on each Bounty, or tap the CLAIM ALL button to claim all available rewards.



Protip: The "Claim 1 Kinetic Capsule" daily Bounty can be completed by walking 8km, but the objective can also be met if you have a Kinetic Capsule in your Inventory that is already ready to claim.

Note that daily Bounties are randomly assigned and will vary across Agents. Remember to claim available daily Bounty rewards before 23:59 local time each day.