Hack Portals to acquire items and resources, like Resonators, Power Cubes, and XMPs. Hacking friendly or same-Faction Portals will slightly bias for building, like Resonators and Shields. Hacking opponent Portals will bias for attacking, like XMPs and Ultra Strikes. However, be warned that opponent Portals may attack you back, draining your available XM tank.
Protip: If you run out of XM and your Map screen is glitched, tap the plus + button under your XM meter to quickly access your Power Cubes. Use a Power Cube to refill your XM tank.
How to Hack
- Get within 40m range of a nearby Portal.
- On the Map screen, long-press the Portal, then slide to the Portal Key button to hack with Key.
- Alternatively, on the Map screen, tap the Portal to open the Portal Details screen, then tap the Hack button.