Ingress is "a competitive, team-versus-team strategy video game played in the real world."

This is what the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) would lead you to believe, but if you are reading this now, then you know that the world around you is not what it seems.

Several years ago, a team of researchers and physicists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) discovered an exotic new state of matter: Exotic Matter (XM). The NIA initiated the Niantic Project to investigate ways to influence and control the human mind. In 2012, a whistleblower leaked classified documents to the public, and the project ended.

Although we only recently discovered its existence, it is believed that XM has been influencing human civilization in unknown ways for millennia. Some see XM as a malicious force threatening humanity (the Resistance), while others embrace its powers to transcend mankind (the Enlightened):

  • Resistance insignia Resistance (RES): Defend the human race by resisting the effects of XM

  • Enlightened insignia Enlightened (ENL): Evolve and enlighten mankind by harnessing XM

  • Machina: Unknown

Your Objectives

As an Ingress Agent, your mission is to choose a side and connect with your Faction, then complete the following objectives:

  1. Hack Portals to collect resources

  2. Capture neutral Portals by deploying Resonators

  3. Connect two friendly Portals to create a Link 

  4. Link three friendly Portals to create a Field and capture Mind Units (MU)