The Ingress Prime Scanner will offer Level 16 Agents the option to Recurse: return to Level 1 with 0 AP and begin their Ingress journey again, experiencing the Ingress story from the very beginning.
Agents who Recurse will get the Simulacrum badge in their Agent profile and an icon next to the Agent Codename to celebrate their accomplishment. These will be visible to other Agents who view your profile.
Agents who Recurse will also retain their Medals (with a special visual indicator to other Agents if they’ve fulfilled the requirements of an Onyx Medal multiple times over), Mission Badges, Inventory, and Keys already in their possession.
Agents who Recurse will get the Simulacrum badge in their Agent profile and an icon next to the Agent Codename to celebrate their accomplishment. These will be visible to other Agents who view your profile.
Agents who Recurse will also retain their Medals (with a special visual indicator to other Agents if they’ve fulfilled the requirements of an Onyx Medal multiple times over), Mission Badges, Inventory, and Keys already in their possession.
How is this different from a Faction Change?
The Recursion option is only available to Agents who are at Level 16. Players who recurse will start at Level 1 at 0 AP, however, they will retain the codename, achievements, Mission Badges, Inventory, and Keys already in their possession. Agents will also retain access to tools that are based on their level (OPR, Portal Submissions, Mission Authoring) and be able to recharge Portals at the Level 16 range.
Can I choose the same Faction when I recurse?
Can I choose the same Faction when I recurse?
Yes, while the option to change your Faction is a part of the Recursion process, you can choose to remain in the same Faction.
Will I lose access to OPR, Portal Submissions, and Mission Authoring until I level up?
No, Agents who recurse will still be able to participate in OPR, Portal Submissions, and Mission Authoring even if they haven’t reached the level requirement yet.
Will I lose access to OPR, Portal Submissions, and Mission Authoring until I level up?
No, Agents who recurse will still be able to participate in OPR, Portal Submissions, and Mission Authoring even if they haven’t reached the level requirement yet.
Will I be able to see my lifetime AP?
Yes! You’ll be able to see both your lifetime earned AP and your current Recursed AP at the same time. In addition, Agents who have fulfilled the requirements of an Onyx Medal multiple times over will see a special visual indicator on their profile.
Will I be eligible for the Onyx Year 6 medal if I choose to recurse now?
Yes, regardless of your level at the time the Year 6 medal is awarded, you will receive an Onyx medal if your profile has the Simulacrum medal.