The Kinetic Capsule is a unique type of Capsule that lets you refine items into rarer or more desired items using kinetic energy through 8km distance trekked.

Agents Level 4 and higher can visit the Ingress Store to claim 1 Common Kinetic Capsule, which is infinitely reusable. For example, Agents can refine the following items:

  • 1 Very Rare Portal Shield: 3 Rare Shield; 3 L4 XMP (or higher); 3 L4 Resonator (or higher)
  • 1 Very Rare Heat Sink: 3 Rare Heat Sink; 3 L4 Resonator (or higher)
  • 1 Very Rare Multi-Hack: 3 Rare Multi-Hack; 3 L4 Resonator (or higher)
  • 1 SoftBank Ultra Link: 3 Rare Link Amp; 3 L4 XMP (or higher); 3 L4 Resonator (or higher)
  • 5 Hypercubes: 10 L4 (or higher) Power Cubes

Kinetic Capsules are categorized in Inventory under Capsules. The Kinetic Capsule management menu allows you to select from a menu of known Programs, which are instructions that can be run to refine a specific item type.

After selecting your desired Program, tap RUN to begin the refining process. After walking the required distance, you should receive a COMM alert informing you the Program has successfully completed so that you can claim your items.

Protip: You can run up to seven Programs simultaneously. Consumable Rare Kinetic Capsules can be obtained through Portal hacks, and they are also available for purchase in the Ingress Store.

If you've reached your inventory capacity limit while a Program is running, the Kinetic Capsule will still complete the refinery process.

Please note the maximum distance trekked applied to all Kinetic Capsules is up to 40km per day. Any distance trekked over 40km within 24 hours will contribute to Trekker medal, but will not contribute to running Kinetic Capsule Programs.