The Drone Network or Dronenet enables Agents to remotely hack any Portal visible on the Drone Footage screen. Unlike standard Portal hacks, you do not need to stand within 40m range of a target Portal when Drone hacking.
Your Drone is limited to Drone hacks and Glyph hacks-only. It cannot be used to complete missions, obtain Portal Keys, or attack opponent Portals. Agents will always be more effective when traveling to a Portal in-person versus using their Drone; however, the Dronenet is an effective tool to maintain your Sojourner streak (but not your Epoch Hackstreak) and obtain items remotely.

How to Drone Hack

  1. On the Map screen, tap the Main menu button, then tap Dronenet
  2. Tap the MOVE button, then tap a Portal you want to send your Drone to
  3. Tap the CONFIRM button to send your Drone
  4. Tap the Portal your Drone is at, then tap the Hack button or long-press the Hack button for more options
  5. Tap the X button to disconnect from the Dronenet and return to the Map screen

Note that while Drones do not publicly display its owner's codename, Enlightened and Resistance Drones are visible to all Agents via the Dronenet layer on the Map screen. Some Agents may use the Dronenet layer to take down and return Drones to their owners by neutralizing or flipping Portals where a Drone is stationed. Drones will otherwise remain on a Target Portal until they are moved or recalled by their owner.

Drone hacks will advance Agent Stats metrics for the Sojourner and Maverick medals, Hacks, Glyph Hack Points, and Longest Hacking Streak. Drone hacks do not count towards Unique Portals Visited because you have not physically visited the Portal (your Drone has). However, it will count towards Agent Stats metrics for Unique Portals Drone Visited.