If there are multiple decor variations in a category, the category icon will be yellow only if all the decors have already been registered.


  • For regular Pikmin, whether all the decor variations in a category have already been found is determined for each type of Pikmin (red, blue, yellow, purple, white, rock, wings).
    • Example: In the case that you have already found Coffee Cup Decor Red Pikmin, but haven’t found any Coffee Cup Decor Blue Pikmin yet, the category icon for normal Red Pikmin in the "Cafe" category will be displayed in yellow, while the category icon for normal Blue Pikmin in the "Cafe" category will be displayed in gray.
  • For Decor Pikmin, the category icon is always yellow.


  • For regular seedlings, whether all the variations in a category have already been found is determined for each color of the seedling (red, blue, yellow, purple, white, gray, pink).
    • Example:  In the case that you have already found Coffee Cup Decor Red Pikmin, but haven’t found any Coffee Cup Decor Blue Pikmin yet,  the category icon for normal red seedlings in the "Cafe" category will be displayed in yellow, while the category icon for normal blue seedlings in the "Cafe" category will be displayed in gray.

  • For huge seedlings and gold seedlings, if there is even one undiscovered Decor Pikmin in the category, the category icon will be displayed in gray.