The Support Community is a space for users to check Niantic's announcement, ask questions, and exchange ideas with other Pikmin Bloom users. We encourage you to be active in your discussions and share your experience and perspective with us and other users. 


Please access the support community at


  • The support community is only available in English and Japanese.

  • The support community is open to everyone, but you will need the Google/Facebook/Apple account you use to sign in to Pikmin Bloom to post. Also, you need to register a Niantic ID in the Niantic Profile.  You can learn more about Niantic IDs in this support article.

  • If you are using a Nintendo account, please link your Google/Facebook/Apple account in the app. Please see this support page for instructions.

  • Please note that children's accounts will not be able to log in nor post.

Recommended Environment

We recommend to use the following browsers to view the Support Community.  In case you found any glitches while using the other browsers, please try the latest version of the following.

  • Chrome (Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS)

  • Edge (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS)

  • Safari (iOS, macOS)

  • Firefox (Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS)

Community Guidelines

Please read and understand our Community Guidelines before joining the community.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q. What information will be made public when I join the community?

When posting or commenting in the support community, the Niantic ID will be displayed as your name, and your activities in the community will be shared in the profile.

Q.When I try to log in, I get an error message that my Niantic ID is not registered.

You need to register your Niantic ID in order to contribute to the support community. To register please visit the Niantic Profile.  You can learn more about Niantic IDs in this support article.

Q. Can I recruit friends?

Currently, we do not allow the sharing of friend codes within the support community. Also, exchanging your account information of social medias such as Facebook or Twitter accounts is not allowed. For more information, please see "I. Avoid inappropriate content" in the Community Guidelines.