You can invite other users to Pikmin Bloom using your unique invite code. When the user who used the invite code finishes their tutorial, both you and the user will receive a reward. You and the user will also be automatically added as friends.
- Invite codes can only be used by first time users of Pikmin Bloom. Users who have played Pikmin Bloom in the past cannot use it.
- Please note that users with child accounts are not eligible to send or redeem invite codes, even if social permissions are granted through the Niantic Kids Parent Portal or Nintendo Account website.
- From the home screen, scroll down to tap [Friends]. It’s located under [Profile].
- Tap [Invite] in the upper right corner.
- Tap [Share code], and share the invite code in any way you like!
- You will receive a reward when the invitee starts playing and completes the tutorial using the invite code. Also, you and the invitee will automatically become friends.
Sending invite codes to friends of other Niantic games
If you are using the same account to play other Niantic games, you can send an email invitation with Pikmin Bloom invite code to users who are already friends in other games
- From the home screen, scroll down to tap [Friends]. It’s located under [Profile].
- Tap [Invite] in the upper right corner.
- If you see "Find Friends" at the top, you have friends who have not yet started Pikmin Bloom. Tap [Invite].
- Tap [Invite] next to the friend you want to invite to Pikmin Bloom from the list, and an invitation email will be sent. The invitation email will include your Pikmin Bloom account ID.
- When the user who used your invitation codes starts playing and completes their first tutorial, they will receive a gift. You and the user will automatically become friends.
- You can not send multiple invitation emails to the same friend at once. You will be able to send another invitation to the same friend after 30 days (only if the friend has not yet started Pikmin Bloom).
- If the network is unstable when sending an invitation, the invitation code may not be filled in the invitation email.
Using invite code
- Download Pikmin Bloom from Google Play or App store.
- Enter your date of birth.
- Tap [New Player] and follow the prompts to create an account.
- When you get to the screen for entering the invite code, enter the invite code that was shared with you by another user.
- You will receive a reward when you complete the tutorial. Also, you and the inviter will automatically become friends.
- After this, the inviter will also receive a reward.
Reward details
Reward for inviter
The reward that the inviter will receive will change depending on the number of users you invited.
1 Gold Seedling
3 Special Slots
2 Detectors
The reward that the inviter will receive will change depending on the number of users you invited.
1 Gold Seedling
3 Special Slots
2 Detectors
- Rewards are limited to 4 invitations per month.
- The type of Decor Pikmin that grows from the Gold Seedling is subject to seasonality and will match ongoing events at the time of the invitation. When no events are ongoing, it will match the Decor for the most recent event.
Reward for invitee
20 flower petals and 10 nectars
20 flower petals and 10 nectars
Frequently asked questions
Can the same invite code be used to invite multiple users?
Yes, any number of users can use it.
After I change my invite code, will the previous code be invalid?
Yes, the previous invite code will be invalid.
A user who used my invite code started to play the app, but I was not able to receive the reward. Why?
The following are possible causes. Please note that the invitee will not be able to re-enter your invite code.
After I change my invite code, will the previous code be invalid?
Yes, the previous invite code will be invalid.
A user who used my invite code started to play the app, but I was not able to receive the reward. Why?
The following are possible causes. Please note that the invitee will not be able to re-enter your invite code.
- Invitee skipped entering the invite code.
- Invitee entered other user’s invite code.
- Invitee didn’t complete the tutorial and received their reward.
- The friend list of Inviter or Invitee are full (see below).
What happens if there is no space in the friend list of the inviter or invitee?
Please note the following points if there is no space in the friend list of either inviter or invitee (reached the 450 friend limit through all of Niantic's apps)
- The inviter and invitee will not be friends automatically.
- The inviter can not receive a reward. The Invitee can.
We are already friends in other Niantic app (e.g. Ingress, Pokémon GO), but can we receive rewards?
If the invitee is a first time user of Pikmin Bloom, then both the invitee and inviter can receive rewards.
Can I receive rewards more than the max number of storage?
No, a reward cannot be received more than the item’s max number of storage.