You can use flower petals to plant flowers in the places you've been. When planting flowers, many pleasant things can happen, such as seedlings growing faster, big flowers growing near where you planted flowers, and getting special fruits from there.


  • If you move too fast or stay in the same area, you will not be able to plant flowers. In addition, there are some areas where flower planting is not possible. For more information, please see this support articlePlease note that petals during flower planting will continue to be consumed while flowers are not planted.

  • The more Pikmin in squads to walk with, the greater the number of flowers you can plant over the same distance, but the faster the petals are consumed.

Information shared with others when you plant flowers

  • Please note that the other users can also see your flower trails. The flowers that you planted can be seen on the other user’s Walk View. It doesn’t show who planted the flowers.

  • Flower trails are automatically removed after 5 days. However, flowers planted within the Big Flower range will remain in place until the Big Flower returns to leaf after blooming once. If you would like to manually remove flower trails, please see this support article.

  • Privacy zones allow you to set up customized areas where you do not want flower trails to appear on the map. For more information, please see this support article.

  • If you plant flowers with "With Others" turned on, other players in the vicinity who are also planting flowers with "With Others" turned on will be able to see each other's location, Mii, and Pikmin's formation on the map. This feature is not available for child accounts.

How to plant flowers

  1. Tap the flower button in the lower right corner of the home screen to open the flower planting menu.

  2. Select the flower petals you want to plant, then press the ▶️ button to start planting. You can also switch flowers while planting.

  3. Once flower planting is started, flower planting will continue even if the application is closed until the petals are used up or you press the end button yourself.

  4. While you are planting flowers, as you move around with your smartphone, flowers are planted in their place. There is no need to look at the screen while planting flowers, so put your smartphone in your pocket and enjoy your walk while planting flowers.

  5. If you plant flowers with "With Others" turned on, other players in the vicinity who are also planting flowers with "With Others" turned on will be able to see each other's location, Mii, and Pikmin's formation on the map. This feature is not available for child accounts.

  6. The flower planting accelerator allows you to plant twice as many flowers as usual for 15 minutes, with twice as many petals consumed as usual. For more information, please see this supporting article.

Benefits of flower planting

Flower planting provides the following benefits

Seedlings set in the planter pack grow faster

  • While walking around planting flowers, a bonus is applied that gradually speeds up the growth of seedlings planted in the planter pack. The upper limit is 30%.

  • The current growth bonus is indicated when you look at the planter pack while planting flowers.

Get “Bonus Coins”

  • For every 250 flowers planted in a single flower planting, you will receive one bonus coin.

  • The maximum number of bonus coins you can earn per day is 60.

  • For more information, please see this support article.

The "Big Flower" grows up

There is a big plant around you, called "Big Flower", which you can find in the walking view. If you plant flowers near this Big Flower, the Big Flower will grow. Let's work together to make the Big Flower bloom.

  • Big flowers vary in what blooms depending on the flowers planted nearby. However, they do not always grow into the same flower.

  • A Big Flower that has bloomed will revert to leaves after 23 hours.

  • A Big Flower that has bloomed emits a sparkling effect for one hour after flowering. At this time, if you plant a flower nearby, you will find a fruit from which you can obtain the same flower nectar as the Big Flower. Collect the fruit from the expedition. This fruit expedition will disappear when the Big Flower returns to leaves.

  • When you get close to the bloomed Big Flower, tap to open the detail screen, then touch the Big Flower and pull it downward. You can collect the nectar of the same flower as the Big Flower only once. Once the Big Flower turns back into a leaf and then blooms again, you will be able to collect the nectar from the same Big Flower again. See the video below for detailed instructions.