Please find answers to several frequently asked questions about Niantic Wayfarer below. If you have any further questions, please join the discussion on our forums!
Nominations and Reviews
My Wayspot nomination was accepted but does not appear in my game(s). Where did it go?
Keep in mind that not every accepted Wayspot is eligible for inclusion in every game. Each game has its own inclusion and density criteria, as well as its own schedule as to when it will sync with the database. It can take up to 48 hours for the systems to update and for accepted Wayspots to appear in a game.
How much time do I have to review a nomination?
You are allowed 20 minutes to analyze a nomination. After 20 minutes, the page will time out, and you may be assigned a new nomination.
Will anyone ever read my comments?
Comments are available to Niantic Support and may be used if an additional review is required. The information may also be used to provide feedback to Wayfinders who continue to submit nominations that do not meet acceptance criteria.
Why are there no Wayspots available for me to review?
It’s likely that you have completed analyses of all nominations near your active play area, Hometown, and Bonus Location. Try returning in a few days’ time when there are more nominations available. You may be asked to return tomorrow if you are repeatedly assigned nominations that you do not analyze or if abuse is detected.
Can I edit a misspelling in the title or description?
At this time, reviewers cannot edit submissions beyond suggesting a new real-world location. If the title or description does not violate acceptance criteria, vote accordingly. Once the Wayspot is live, other Wayfinders will have an opportunity to submit an edit and suggest a better title/description.
If I suggest a new real-world location for a nominated Wayspot, how is that suggestion used?
When enough Wayfinders have suggested a new real-world location and an Agreement is reached, Wayfarer will automatically reposition the Wayspot if it is accepted.
How many reviews does it take to make a final decision on a Wayspot’s eligibility?
This exact number cannot be disclosed at this time, however, we can say that this depends on the performance of each individual Wayfinder.
What should I consider when answering “Should this be a Wayspot?”
Considering the photo, title, and description submitted in the nomination, does it seem like it would be a good Wayspot based on the criteria? This is not an overall rating for the nomination.
Should I consider proximity to nearby Wayspots or Wayspot density when analyzing a nomination?
No. As long as the nomination is not a duplicate of an existing Wayspot, it is eligible to become a Wayspot. Each Niantic app has its own proximity rules to determine whether it will be included in the app.
Should the size of a nomination be taken into account?
Yes, a good Wayspot nomination should be relatively easy to locate in person. If a Wayspot is too small, it may be difficult to verify its real-world location. If you come across a high-quality nomination that’s small in size, we recommend you use the supporting photo and description to provide more context on the nomination’s location.
Should the sign for a Wayspot nomination be marked as a duplicate if there is already a Wayspot for the object the sign represents?
If the sign is a significant distance from the object then it should be considered on its own. If it is close, such as with a church sign and a nearby church building, then it should be marked as a duplicate.
Should I consider the quality of the photo when analyzing a nomination?
If the photo is so poor-quality that you are unable to judge or verify the nomination, taken from a third party, or ineligible as defined in the acceptance criteria, provide a one-star vote for the question “Should this be a Wayspot?” and select the relevant rejection reason.
I don’t have any Wayspots to nominate right now. How many Upgrades can I save for future use?
You can save a maximum of 1000 unredeemed Upgrades. Any Agreements you contribute to beyond that will no longer be tracked toward future Upgrade rewards.
Can I choose the nominations to which my Upgrades are applied?
Yes, you can select one nomination to which an Upgrade can be applied. This can be done from the Nominations section of Niantic Wayfarer. You can choose to set the “Automatically Apply Upgrades” toggle to off. This will allow you to use your Upgrades on a nomination of your choice.
Is my Upgraded nomination more likely to be accepted?
No, Upgrades will only prioritize the nomination for a more timely analysis within Wayfarer. The selection criteria will not change in any way.
How long will it take for my Upgraded Wayspot nomination to be accepted or rejected?
There are many factors that play into the decision time on any nomination, so it’s not possible to know how long it may take to reach a decision. Since your Upgraded nomination has been prioritized, rest assured that a decision will be made in a more timely manner than if it was not Upgraded.
Does Niantic Support directly review Upgraded Wayspot nominations?
No, Upgraded Wayspot nominations will go through the same review process as regular nominations, they will simply be processed in a more timely manner.
Can Upgrades be used for Wayspot edits?
Yes, Upgrades can be applied to edit contributions from your contributions management page.
Can I be awarded Upgrades if my performance is poor?
Yes! If you contribute to 100 Agreements, you will receive an Upgrade regardless of the current status of your performance.