Tap or click the Contribution tab to view and manage the Niantic Waypoint nominations you’ve submitted:
Type in the search bar or select the filter icon
at the top of the screen to find and organize your submissions by name, date, or current status:

Each of your nominations will be tagged with one or more of the following statuses:
- On Hold - The nomination can be placed on hold before going into the queue and voting. This allows for further editing of the title, description, etc.
- In Queue - The nomination is queued for review by the Wayfarer community. To edit the title or description of a queued nomination, select the nomination then tap or click the Edit button at the top right of the screen. Note that you can only edit the title and description; the nomination’s photo can’t be changed at this stage.
- In Voting - The nomination is under review! You can no longer edit the submission or withdraw it.
- Withdrawn - These are nominations that you withdrew before voting. Withdrawn nominations are permanently retired and can’t be sent back into voting.
- Accepted - Congratulations! If you see a red and orange sash next to your submission, your Waypoint has been accepted by the community.
- Not Accepted - Sorry, the community has rejected your nomination. Sorry, the community has rejected your nomination. Review our acceptance criteria, check the feedback in the decision email, and try again.
- Upgraded - A lightning bolt
next to your nomination means that an Upgrade has been applied. If you only have one nomination at the time you receive an Upgrade, the Upgrade is applied automatically. If you have more than one nomination queued, you’ll need to choose a nomination and tap or click the purple Upgrade button in the top right of the screen to apply it.
- In Voting 🎈 - You will know when your nomination has been marked for and is being reviewed internally by a Niantic staff. You will see your nomination has a label with the Niantic logo on it.
- Appealed - If your nomination was initially rejected, you have the option to appeal the decision once per nomination. Appeals will be limited to one (1) per 20d from the date of your first appeal. When you appeal the nomination, you’ll see an appeal label on the nomination.
Below is the expected flow of contributions in Wayfarer: