With over 1 billion downloads globally and counting, Niantic games attract a diverse demographic who explore their communities on a daily basis. As a Niantic Sponsored Location, businesses receive access to our broad range of players via compelling advertising features created specifically with our players in mind, helping to drive real-world foot traffic and immersive engagements.

Built to Benefit All
The Sponsored Location program is built to benefit both players and businesses alike. Players are incentivized to visit Sponsored Locations, as they provide special in-game rewards and a more engaging gameplay experience. Meanwhile, Sponsored Locations benefit from heightened location awareness and resulting foot traffic; ability to easily share special promotions, feature new products, and direct links to their website (similar to a virtual billboard) to Niantic’s considerable player community; and the ability to schedule mini-games to help boost real-time foot traffic at scheduled times. Ultimately, players achieve additional rewards and experiences as businesses receive more exposure. All the while, businesses are able to see aggregated metrics on how players engaged with their in-game location.

Leverage Social Media
While having your business location on an in-game map is an excellent start to driving foot traffic and brand awareness, businesses can take extra measures to maximize marketing success with Niantic’s location-based AR games.

Broadcast Sponsored Location events on your brand’s social media channels. As a brand, having a presence on social media channels (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) is already crucial in today’s digital ecosystem. However, it is also an effective way to inform players when special events (e.g., Scheduled Raid Battles) are happening at your Sponsored Location, especially since 74% of players plan their schedules around playing. As a result, utilizing your own social media channels to your advantage is a great way to maximize traffic.

Strategically Schedule Mini-Games
Launch a mini-game once per month. Each month, Sponsored Locations with a Premium subscription can launch a mini-game at their in-game Gym during a 1-hour timeslot of their choice. These scheduled mini-games help drive additional traffic to storefronts during this scheduled time. Premium Sponsored Locations should be taking advantage of this boost in traffic on a monthly basis.

Remember that certain stores perform better at certain times. Monthly Mini Games (e.g., Scheduled Raid) should also be scheduled for a strategic time that benefits the business while being convenient for players. Restaurants, for example, could schedule a 6:00pm Mini Game to help draw in a dinnertime crowd.

Alternatively, Sponsored Locations might want to choose a time when business is slower to drive more traffic at those times. Hobby stores, for example, might benefit most by planning their Mini Game on weekends or after normal working hours, as more players can attend.
Regardless of the time you decide, remember to advertise through your social media channels to inform your followers that a Mini-Game is happening at your storefront to maximize participation.

Consistently Iterate
Keep your in-game content fresh! 84% of players have visited a business while playing Pokemon GO, and 73% of players change their walking route on a weekly basis to our game, so you’ll be getting both new and repeat visitors. Keep your content fresh! Depending on your plan, you can change your promotional page once or twice in a calendar month. Take advantage of this opportunity to feature different products, update customers about new items, or offer a limited-time discount.

A few campaign ideas include:
  • Exclusive offers. Reward players with a discount for presenting the promotion to one of your employees. This is a great way to convert a casual interaction with your in-game location into a sale.
  • Let players know what’s new. If you are having a sale, featuring a new seasonal item, or introducing a new loyalty program, use promotion campaigns to get the word out.
  • We hope these tips and tricks help you get the most out of your sponsored location. If you’d like to share any of your own tips on driving foot traffic, we’d love to hear from you!