A promotion allows businesses to feature special promotions, new products, or seasonal content in addition to the main in-game location description and image–think of it as an extra virtual billboard space on your in-game location! Depending on the plan tier, businesses can change their promo campaign up to once or twice within a calendar month.

A promotional campaign appears on the click through screen of your Sponsored Location. Like a virtual advertisement poster board, it allows you to showcase special offers, new products, seasonal content, or simply more information about your business.

Where does it appear in the game?

The promotional campaign appears after a user clicks through from the main Sponsored Location page (Pokéstop or Gym for Pokémon GO).

How do I best use it?

You can change your promotional page once or twice a month (depending on your plan).  It’s best to use these to feature your products, update customers about new items, or offer a discount for your audience.

Here are some campaign ideas:

  • Exclusive Offers: Reward players with a discount for presenting the promotion to one of your employees. This is a great way to convert a casual interaction with your in-game location into a sale.
  • Let players know about what’s new:Having a sale? Or maybe your store is featuring a new seasonal item? Use promotion campaigns to get the word out.