What is the benefit of a scheduled raid? 

Schedule raids are a great feature to use when you would like to drive more players to your real world location. 

When is the best time to plan a scheduled raid?

The best time to plan a scheduled raid is anytime you would like more players to visit your location, while keeping player convenience in mind.  For example, if you are a restaurant, you could aim for 6pm to take advantage of players that are looking for dinner. Alternatively, you could choose a time when business is slower if you want to drive more traffic at those times.  A hobby store, for example, might want to consider planning a scheduled raid after standard work hours or on a weekend, when more players are available to attend the event. Whatever time you decide, make sure to advertise through your social media channels to let people know the mini-game is happening.  


How early or late can I schedule a raid?

In order to schedule a mini-game, you must be a Premium Sponsored Location.  Select the location where you would like the mini-game to happen, and click “Scheduled a Mini-Game.”  You must schedule your mini-game at least 9 days before your desired date. If you need to cancel a mini-game, it must be cancelled at least 6 hours before your chosen time.  In order to reschedule your mini-game, you must reschedule 9 days in advance.  


For Pokémon GO, it would be best to avoid the weekly raid hour (Wednesday from 6-7pm in your local time zone) or later that evening as there will already be a Raid Battle scheduled for your location at that time. Scheduling a Raid Battle for Wednesday evening at 5pm or later may cancel the original raid hour at your location.