Android 7 or higher, 64 bit
CPU: Snapdragon 855 or higher
However, when using a device equipped with Snapdragon 855 or equivalent CPU performance, there may be potential lag due to CPU limitations. If it causes gameplay issues even at the low Graphics Quality Settings, please consider playing on a different device.
RAM: 3GB or higher
Resolution 720x1280 pixels (not optimized for tablets)
Network environment (Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G)
GPS, Location Based Services
※ Rooted devices are not supported.
- iOS 15 or higher
- iPhone X or higher
- Network environment (Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, 5G or LTE)
- GPS, location-based services
- Jailbreak devices are not supported
Note : Even if you are able to launch the Monster Hunter Now from other devices as the one above, we cannot support you in case of technical problems.
For optimal performance, it is recommended that you use a device with at least 3 GB of RAM.
If you are experiencing frequent problems such as device crashes or delays while playing the Monster Hunter Now, please try the following troubleshooting steps.
Close all apps except the Monster Hunter Now while you are playing.
Use the most recent operating system available for your device (Android or iOS).
Note : Tablets are not supported for Monster Hunter Now
Note for devices with Beta OS : The app may not work on devices using beta versions of iOS or Android.